Judge Fink got "called out" for having a mind of his own, and not being in lock step with the far left agenda . Watkins was ordered to turn himself in by Hon. I've known Fink for a number of years. If you ponder back to the last major recession and the unemployment rate in 1981 and then in 1984, that's called a recovery Clownfish. I find Fink in contempt of our one-party system. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. It's disingenuous to ignore the fact that the wife of Justice Thomas had accepted money from a group favoring the Citizens United case before her husband voted in favor of Citizens United, which even gives corporations outside the U.S. the ability to influence the U.S. democratic processes. Contact information must be supplied so the deposit requirement/estimated cost may be discussed. Ryan thanks for the article. Prosecutor Savit claims they asked for a $100,000 cash bond. Please call our office(s) to get learn how we are engaging with current clients and new at this time. It is because they know he will support their agenda. Perhaps he might make a good judge; all the inmates say, "Never trust a fink." Regardless of your political views, Jim Fink, like his brother Carl, is a fine and decent man. If people find laws - or lack of laws - intolerable then they are obligated to contact their legislators for the purpose of enacting new law (or repeal). He attended the Detroit College of Law and is now a practicing attorney in Ann Arbor. Romneycare? Under Michigan law, a minor who wants to get an abortion must have the permission of a parent or legal guardian. You could not have picked a more appropriate name. If you need to file a motion, you must file the motion with the 14A-2 Clerks office in person or by fax to 734-484-6697. 320 N. Main St., Suite 420 Ann Arbor, MI 48104. You actually bought the "private sector economy is doing fine" line? "You want someone who shares your values, because in the hard cases, the judge's values are going to inform what they do," he said. Washtenaw County Circuit Court judges Timothy Connors, Melinda Morris and Darlene O'Brien all have their terms end at the beginning of 2013. All rights reserved (About Us). This is the kind of attorney I want to become Judge. Fink said some kind of bond was important to emphasize the seriousness of the situation to Le-Nguyen. It is a broad-brush attack that has cited no examples or other proof and appears simply a campaign smear. Also, how was "BHO" not a good community organizer? Elisha V. Fink is the third generation of her family to serve as part of the judiciary in the 14A District Court. Daily Calendar - 14A-1 Service Center 4133 Washtenaw Ave. Ann Arbor, MI 48108. Destructive gay agenda.oh no the gays are coming to convert us!! at the University of Michigan Law School in 1965. I'm not sure I would want a Judge to "represent"a specific political party, and certainly wouldn't vote for one who admits it before elections. Kuhnke said she represents a same-sex couple that's trying to get both parents' names on a birth certificate. Jim and I disagree on a lot, but I am glad to support Jim. "I've been consistent since day one that I agree with the premise on reform around bail., that your ability to pay or not to pay a dollar amount shouldn't be the determining factor on whether you stay incarcerated through the adjudication process," Clayton said. 4 million jobs created since Jan 2009. Washtenaw County Bar Association, Lawyer Referral & Information Service Attorney Application, Modest Means Program Attorney Application, Lawyer Referral & Information Service (LRIS), Estate Planning, Probate & Trust Law Section Meeting - via Zoom, Law Firm Website Design by The Modern Firm. The four attorneys are competing in the Aug. 7 primary for the seat being vacated by Washtenaw County Circuit Judge Melinda Morris, who is retiring. William Lucas was also a Wayne County Sheriff who became a judge later. Dear father of Mrs. Robert (Roberta . He will make an excellent judge for Washtenaw County. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Specifically, people are asking how we allowed the person arrested to go free, the sheriffs office said in a statement posted on Facebook. Ann Arbor, Mich. Local attorney James A. That means "rule of law", case closed. Elisha V. Fink is the third generation of her family to serve as part of the judiciary in the 14A District Court. I handled a lot of criminal defense work as a public defender for seven years and then I worked for a judge as his judicial attorney," she said. He ran unopposed in several elections before a write-in candidate opposed him in 2006 While I disagree with most of Mr. Fink's politics, I know him to be an absolutely top notch person. "And the other one who is a biological parent of this child has not been allowed to have her name on the birth certificate, even though the two of them are raising this child together in a committed relationship," she said. The only reason the country is falling apart, we agree on this, is because some people only vote on party lines and vote people like BHO into office. Read term information and a brief biography of Judge Patrick J. Conlin, Read term information and a brief biography of Judge Timothy P. Connors, Read term information and a brief biography of Judge Carol Kuhnke, Read term information and a brief biography of Judge Darlene O'Brien, Read term information and a brief biography of Judge Julia B. Owdziej, Read term information and a brief biography of Judge Tracy E. Van den Bergh. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Fink seems to understand that. Nobody who really knows Jim Fink would believe such slander. It goes on and on, tax raises, fee raises, new taxes on businesses Attorneys Carol Kuhnke and Jim Fink, the top two vote-getters in the Aug. 7, 2012 primary, are now vying for a vacancy on the 22nd Circuit Court bench to be left by retiring judge Melinda Morris. Can you give them now? I think its rather ironic to accuse Mr. Fink or any of our judges of selling out to the highest bidder when in actuality they have rather sold themselves to the lowest bidders, the public. "I truly believe your shot is at the trial court level to get justice or not. I would also point out that once Fink gave his money to somebody he showed a bias. This week, we have put together a plan which is going to have (assistant prosecutors) at arraignment for pretty serious cases moving forward.. I was reading the Twitter feed for Woodyard4Judge and noticed that Michael Woodyard mentioned that he was also at the Washtenaw Dem forum debating with the incumbent circuit court judge Timothy Connors. A judge ultimately decides - but, Savit said in January he's confident the judges in the county support his plan. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Second or subsequent adjournment of any proceeding are at the sole discretion of the Judge. Someone else tried to make it an issue for Mr. Fink. This search will yield results from all four of our courts. You have absolutely no clue what socialism is. He noted the charges his office brought are punishable by up to life in prison. Fink is a Republican and he will promote the Republican agenda, end of story. We have had some amazing legal scholars on the Supreme Courts who tried very hard to listen to both sides of a legal issue, put aside their personal biases, then make their decision. we should conduct business and plan to update this message as soon as we can. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions about this page please [emailprotected]. Judge Simpson was appointed to the 14A Bench in September of 1999 and served as Chief Judge of the 14A District Court from January 2002 through December 2007. Prosecutor Eli Savit filed an emergency motion to up the bond for Ryan Le-Nguyen it will be heard in front of a different judge Tuesday. Le-Nguyen reportedly heard commotion outside his home, told the boy and two family members to leave, went back inside the house and fired a round through his window, which struck the arm of the 6-year-old, Jackson said. The fact that there are no judicial candidates in the Ann Arbor election who are pro life, pro family or pro marriage is not acceptable. Week of 02-20-2023. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. I believe that is why you see resistance to Mr Fink. Interpretations that have law changing implications are not made by a single judge. I am running for this position because I am exceptionally qualified.. That's what I love about Ann Arbor and most of Washtenaw County- everyone gets along fine as long as you claim to be a liberal democrat. Quick, call the police! I would much rather have somebody be a Judge who outright states that they do not believe it is right for their personal opinions to affect their legal decisions. Election results and vote counts for candidates for office, ballot questions, and party enrollment and voter registration and turnout statistics. Reach him at ryanstanton@annarbor.com or 734-623-2529. Al Gore did win the popular vote and might have won in Florida. Fink comes from a family of judges his father, Robert Fink, and brother, Karl Fink, served as Washtenaw County judges, according to the statement. From the sound of your rant, perhaps you're confusing him with a prosecutor. And Fink is the only candidate to repeatedly state that the law takes precedent over a judge's personal beliefs? "Fink is a Republican and he will promote the Republican agenda" The freeways consist of an advanced network of interconnecting freeways which include Interstate highways. His pro-gun or anti-gun positions? 4133 Washtenaw Ave. Ann Arbor, MI 48108. Talker - Contrary to popular rhetoric, America was founded, not as a "democracy," but as a constitutional republic--a political structure under which the government is bound by a written constitution to the task of protecting individual rights. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions about this page please email Lisa Fusik. 2023 Washtenaw County Bar Association View Our DisclaimerLaw Firm Website Design by The Modern Firm, In regards to Covid-19, We are reviewing the best guidelines for our city and state for how. It is so you. Some lie or mislead in court. Ann Arbor, MI 48104, SPEAKER: Kristy Bray, Friend of the Court Director TOPIC: FOC Review Family Law Section Chairs: Alison Love & Miriam Saffo Register by 5:00 p.m., Thursday, March 9, 2023 The comments and opinions presented at this meeting are for informational an, TOPIC: Stump your colleagues! "I want to bring that type of commitment to the bench," he said. bus - Albert is pushing nothing down your throat. I support your right to your views, but don't want them shoved down mt throat as universal truths because they aren't. BHO has no idea how to run a country and he wasn't even a good community organizer. Fink & Fink, PLLC. Classic divide and conquer. CREW said it shared its statistical findings in advance of their release with county commissioners, the current and incoming prosecutor, the court's chief judge as well as Washtenaw County Sheriff Jerry Clayton and Michigan Supreme Court Chief Justice Bridget McCormack. The other candidates expressed there views and would support the views of the the democratic party. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. They bring all their beliefs into that. the sheriff supports this motion. Yep, we are falling apart! We need effective local government, does anyone really think our city council proclamation against burning the Koran made any difference in he grand scheme of things? "And I want to bring that to the bench.". Interviewee: "what I've done in the past and my qualifications aren't important, what you should really focus on are the shortcomings of my competitors." She was appointed as a part time Magistrate in 2012, and has been serving full time since December of 2014. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. National issues like abortion and gay marriage are going to be adjudicated at a level far beyond our county. This is a website with words forming a story. In Washtenaw County you can be an admittedly guilty associate to murder, and they will give you the keys to the University library. Election results and vote counts for candidates for office, ballot questions, and party enrollment and voter registration and turnout statistics. I can't say today that I would vote for Fink, but he remains one of four possibilities fo me. I'm also ready for Brian Mackie to go. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. We see who the Democrats have for a leader in our capital and now we can clearly see that they are on the wrong track for America . Fink, one four attorneys competing for an open Circuit Court judge seat, was asked to explain his Republican leanings, while the three other candidates made it known they're Democrats. All four candidates were asked to state their opinion on whether same-sex couples should be able to adopt children. Janet Napolitano (D) in 2007. "True christians should pray that God raises up righteous judges and leaders and lower/remove wicked rulers." Unemployment down from 10.2% to 8.2% rarely on big issues. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. do you like Romney because of his pro-choice or pro-life positions? That is laughable. The candidates running for the six-year . I can't hold my tongue any longer, this is ridiculous: Fink gets skewered for his Republican bias, while the other three candidates are lauded for their Democratic bias? Anyone who thinks that a judge's personal views and political affiliations don't matter, that they leave these things behind when they put on the judicial robes, is kidding themselves. now yo uknow what unethical discrimination is all about. Personally, I want judges who uphold the law, not ones who interpret the law to suit their political agenda. But I'll vote for him after reading the comments other people have made above. ", "If a child can be placed in a loving relationship whether it's lesbian, gay, bisexual, whatever there shouldn't be any legal impediment," McClure said. He has never hidden his conservative leanings, and in the years that I saw him interact in the court system I never saw his personal beliefs intrude upon his representation of his client's best interests. The fliers described Fink as anti-choice and anti-gay and said he supported the 2004 Right to Life petition drive to ban partial birth abortions in Michigan and the successful 2004 petition drive to amend the Michigan Constitution to prohibit gay marriage. If elected, and I hope that he is, he will serve Washtenaw County residents well. "Abuse of discretion" standard does not typically apply to interpretations of significant rights or laws. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. Chris Easthope, Jan Bobrin and Rolland Sizemore all appear as endorsers on the campaign website for JIm Fink. Ryan J. Stanton | AnnArbor.com Fink pulled 41.4 percent of the vote compared to Kuhnke's 29.8 percent, while Erane Washington and Doug McClure, both Democrats, took 17 percent and 11.6 percent, respectively. Fink Law PLLC. I imagine that the entire Republican constituency of Ann Arbor has been spurred to Fink's defense. 2012 Aug 7 :: Primary Election :: Circuit Court Judge :: Judicial District 22. On the other hand there are those who have a great respect for the law and strive to behave with integrity and decorum. And, meanwhile, his attorney, Erika Julien, said both her client and Kuhnke are innocent. I am quite concerned that he is clearly anti-choice and anti-gay rights, and that, according to the material handed out today, he has given thousands of dollars to some of the most conservative Republican candidates in this state, including Congressman Tim Walberg and former Supreme Court Justice Clifford Taylor. However, let's be honest with ourselves, a judge's political leanings affect their rulings, because they are human. But, then again, few who voted for Snyder ever thought that he would start war with Unions, womem, and teachers and let his merry bad of pranksters start pushing out their social agenda. They lead to judicial dictatorship. As his income went from 6 mill to 20 mill in two years, I think things must be doing OK. You wrote about valuing civil rights. Republican leanings! good on you. Six months ago Washtenaw County Prosecutor Eli Savit there vowed to reform the bail system - doing away with cash bonds in most situations. God bless Washtenaw County and Jim Fink. I never pledged my allegiance to this ridiculous website and if you think this site is left-leaning, you are really lost. "There was some lobbying by some of the judges so I think that it's important that the citizens of this county are aware that the views do affect the outcome of the way the courts operate.". The top two vote-getters in Tuesday's judicial primary advance to the November general election where they'll compete for a chance to replace retiring Judge Melinda Morris. At the same time, I am exceptionally supportive of our current judiciary who are some of the hardest working public servants in our communities. "If you look at my website, you will find that I am supported across the board, which is what a judge should be," he said. If she can't get that, or is afraid to ask, she can go to court to get approval. Not generalities and platitudes, policies. Haha! I do however know of Mr. Hann, and I cannot say that such a litigious gentleman shares the respect afforded Mr. Fink. These judges are not going to overturn Roe v. Wade or make same sex marriage legal. Oh, only about 20 folks attended based on the cars in the parking lot. Box 8645 Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8645 Fax: 734-484-4693 Filing a Motion If you need to file a motion, you must file the motion with the 14A-1 Clerk's office in person or by fax to 734-973-4693. Directly related to companies NOT participating in a recovery that includes capital investments and jobs. Savit harshly criticized the decision, filing an immediate motion to modify the bond and bring Le-Nguyen back into custody. Six months later, Washtenaw County Prosecutor Eli Savit's bail changes are playing out after 6-year-old Coby Daniel was shot in the arm, allegedly by an angry neighbor, Ryan Le-Nguyen last weekend in Ypsilanti Township. You will Never and I mean Never be my attorney. MA..are you watching cartoons this morning? Like it or not a judge has a lot of power/influence and their philosophical and political affiliations decide how they will use their power and influence. It is funny how things work. My vote for Connors has been solidified. "The reason the policy is 20 pages because there are a lot of options on the table," he said. I admire his presence at this forum and do trust him when he says he will follow the law with his rulings. Washington Post Factchecker calls this one dubious. It is sad that we have become so polarized that we can't trust candidates to compromise for the greater good or for the law. Do we allow people to make their own moral decisions or do we legislate morals by banning things like contraception? Jim Fink began by thanking the Democratic Party for inviting him to participate. Really? Adjournment Policy Have judges make up "laws" and "rights" that would never pass at the ballot box. 320 N. Main St., Suite 420 Accused shooter of 6-year-old back in custody after Washtenaw County prosecutors request. I will be consider when I vote. Jim Fink has all of these. Unfortunately, in the real world many judges represent or are beholden to a political party. (Then he) got a gun, a shot me right here," Coby Daniel said. You seem to be a man of honesty, wisdom, courage and conviction. If I really had to come up with a single reason, it would be people like you. Record deportations of illegal aliens, with a focus on criminals. View Karl A. Barr's full biography. Mr. Fink is indeed a Republican. This opposition doesnt apply when people pose an imminent threat to the community, Savit said when announcing his offices policy in a Jan. 4 press conference. Nice weave. There's a but - and that is - Sheriff Clayton says, a suspect's risk to the community should be the driving factor in bail decisions. You wrote about having voted for President Obama and planning to vote to re-elect him. To be clear, our policy still allows for the detention of people who pose an imminent threat to the community. Submit fac, Copyright 2023 Interviewer: "Hmmmat first I thought your lack of experience / education / qualifications / ambiguous and non-committal answers would disqualify you, but heck, you're right. This sad process has chipped away at the America our Founders sought to create - the last 40 years have been devastating and we are one "straw" away from become Europe. (Jim) Fink today announced his candidacy for - Washtenaw County Circuit Judge. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/06/22/activists-photographed-flipping-bird-to-reagan-portrait-at-white-house/?test=latestnews I believe in fiscal responsibility, but I strongly support gay rights. David S. Swartz is the chief judge of the 22nd Circuit Court in Washtenaw County, Michigan. Interesting. There are attorneys and, unfortunately, judges at all points on the spectrum. He joined 14A in 2018. "Republican leanings" were outlawed around here decades ago. Integrity to me means being honest and doing your job to the rules of the law without prejudice from your own views or those of others. My point is that if case law were ALWAYS the deciding factor we would still have many archaic laws on the books. Kyle Feldscher covers cops and courts for AnnArbor.com. Fink comes from a family of judges his father, Robert Fink, and brother, Karl Fink, served as Washtenaw County judges, according to the statement. shootings in north carolina, from stage door staar test answer key, Pledged my allegiance to this ridiculous Website and if you have any comments, questions or. Filing an immediate motion to modify the bond and bring Le-Nguyen back custody... Would still have many archaic laws on the table, '' he.! Inviting him to participate get approval to bring that to the bench. `` and bring back... Adjudicated at a level far beyond our County to overturn Roe V. 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